Remove the Mouth Odour With Yogurt

July 7, 2012

Bad breath is usually caused by many things, including bacteria, pungent food, stomach disorders or lack of drinking water. Well, in this fasting month, we hold the thirsty and hungry all day, I wonder if sometimes we have bad breath.
How do I fix this? No need to break really fast, ladies. Eliminate bad breath, we can exploit the properties of yogurt.

Research in Japan, as reported by says that yogurt can prevent bad breath effectively. Is active in the yogurt bacteria called Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, which helps fight the cause of bad breath.

Another study also conducted in Baltimore to prove the previous studies. A total of 24 volunteers were asked to not eat yogurt for 2 weeks, and the results of the saliva sample contained hydrogen sulfate and the volatile sulfur coumpounds (VSC), the cause of bad breath. In the next week, 24 volunteers were given 100 grams of yogurt consumed twice a day. The result, 80% hydrogen sulfate in the mouth is reduced drastically. Not only that, the complaints of plaque and gum problems also decreased.

Why yogurt?

As mentioned above, yogurt contains good bacteria, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. In addition, yogurt is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B2, protein, vitamin B5, zinc and potassium. In which if consumed regularly, providing all the benefits of yogurt are good for health.

However, it should also be noted. Excessive eating yogurt is not recommended. The experts suggest, pengonsumsian yogurt as much as 200 grams per day.

You can add yogurt as a topping when you eat fresh fruit or used as a mixed drink.


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