How to Burn Fat

July 27, 2012

Regular exercise is believed to be one easy way to burn fat and keeps the body fit. However, there are some tricks to become more effective exercise.

Do the following things to burn calories faster.

1. Eating before exercise
Bar or a biscuit to eat low carbohydrates 90 minutes before exercise, allowing you to exercise longer and burn more calories. Steve Zim, author of "Hot Point Fitness' reminder to pay attention to food intake before exercise.

When feeding time approached fitness exercise, blood flow to the stomach quickly and reduce the performance of the sports movement.

2. Breathing through the nose
Inhale and exhale through the nose to help stabilize the heart rate and increased durability. Avoid doing with his mouth. By breathing through the nose, can exercise longer and burn more calories. To train it, it takes about six to eight in order to perfect the movement.

3. Cardio at the end of the sports movement
"Do the warm up before doing cardiovascular exercise," advises Ken Fitzgerald, owner of Lift Gym in New York. The body needs 15 minutes of warming up before you start burning fat.

4. Vary the movement
Doing the exact same workout every time exercise causes the body to adapt and eventually stop burning as many calories. So vary the sports movement. If you run a day, try biking or swimming at the next session.

If you usually start from the shoulder and arm workout, try starting from the feet on the next occasion.

5. Do not bend
Hunched over a bike handlebar or on the motion, it will slow the process of burning fat, says Fitzgerald. Holding a help balance the load or weight. If not, slower bike ride.

6. Interval movement
The best way to burn fat is to work as hard as possible as long as you can, says Malick Diop, a fitness trainer at Equinox Gyms in New York. If you are just beginning to exercise, the interval will be very helpful.

Do the exercise on a treadmill for two minutes with a speed of 7 mph, followed by two minutes at 5 mph, then back to 7 mph for 20-45 minutes. It will burn fat faster and build endurance.

7. Add a light load
The more muscle working, the more calories you burn. So, if you do not have much time with cardio, Zim suggests doing bicep curls and overhead motion, lifting 2-3 pound weights. Can also be done while walking or climbing stairs. This will strengthen muscles and burn more fat than cardio workout without weights.

Source: How to Burn Fat


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  2. I liked your post, it is very informative, burning fat through workout sometimes becomes difficult as it needs a continuous effort. These days weight loss programs helps to loose weight easily and quickly.
